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Check Out: Financial Planning in the Age of Longevity
Ric Edelman: I'm really excited to tell you we're releasing my next masterclass, Financial Planning in the Age of Longevity. Thousands of people watched my first masterclass, The Truth About Crypto. Now, here's my new class, Financial Planning in the Age of Longevity. It debuts this month. Sign up now for my new Master Class, you'll discover The Truth About Your Future, starting with the fact that if you're alive in 2030, you'll probably be alive to age 100 and beyond. Will your money last as long as you do? That's what my new Master Class teaches you - how to handle college and career, home, long-term care, estate planning and of course, your investments. Register now for free to watch my new Master Class, Financial Planning in the Age of Longevity. Sign up now at TheTruthAYF.com.